"You don't have to be Superman or Superwoman to accomplish things. You can be a regular person just like everyone else."
Nellie Stone Johnson: The Life of an Activist, as told to David Brauer. St. Paul: Ruminator Books, 2000.
A permanent reminder of Nellie's contributions to civil rights, human rights, and the rights of workforce cultural diversity initiatives
The scholarship program was established by the former Minnesota State University System in 1989, as a part of the universities' cultural diversity initiative. MSUSA assisted in the program’s administration from 1997 to 2006. The scholarship program currently operates as an independent entity.
Cabbas Abdi, AFSCME Council 5
Nicole Bietz, Minnesota State College Faculty
Susan Breedlove, Minneapolis Retired Teachers Local 59
Lyndon Carlson, Minneapolis Retired Teachers Local 59
Peg Carpenter, Family Representative, Treasurer
Jennifer Chernega, Interfaculty Organization
Andriel Dees, MN State
Nicole Emerson, MAPE
Mitch Franklin, Board Member Emeritus
Sheigh Freeberg, Unite Here Local 17
James Gutierrez, SEIU Healthcare MN
Stanley Hatcher, Community Representative
Jessica Hayssen, UFCW Local 66
Haylee Hilton, MN AFL-CIO
Current Board Members
Erica Kantola, Community Representative, Vice Chair
Trevor Lawrence, Teamsters Local 638
Tee McClenty, Community Representative
Joe Mullery, Community Representative
Rodney Rowe, Education Minnesota
Samuel Sampson, Minnesota Nurses Association
Jerry Serfling, Community Representative, Secretary
Johnnie Smith (Alternate), SEIU Healthcare MN
Louise Sundin, Minneapolis Regional Retiree Council
Tamrat Tademe, St. Cloud State University Professor
Tyler Treptow-Bowman, MSUAASF
Frank Viggiano, Community Representative, Board Chair
Corey Webster, Minneapolis Regional Labor Federation