"And that job begets housing and also makes it possible for people to get the education they want. It creates the desire for education. Out of that comes everything else.”
Focused on the recruitment, retention and program completion of greater numbers of students of color
The scholarship program was established by the former Minnesota State University System in 1989, as a part of the universities' cultural diversity initiative. MSUSA assisted in the administration of the program from 1997 to 2006. The scholarship program currently operates as an independent entity.
The program honors Nellie Stone Johnson, a long-time member of the system's board. The endowment is a permanent reminder of Nellie's contributions to civil rights, human rights, and the rights of workforce cultural diversity initiatives.
Evidence has shown that success in completing college is in direct correlation to the financial assistance that is available. Scholarships also reduce students' dependence on loans and debt burden. The Nellie Stone Johnson Scholarship Program's scholarship monies come from private sources, including alumni, labor unions, company foundations, friends and other supporters.
Nellie Stone Johnson Scholarship Eligibility Requirements
Students are eligible for consideration for up to two years for a community or technical college program, up to four years of undergraduate work at a university (including two years in a community or technical college), and up to two years of graduate work.
School Affiliation
The applicant must be currently enrolled in or accepted into a program at a Minnesota State institution.
Union Affiliation
The applicant must be a union member or the child, grandchild or spouse of a union member.
The applicant must be a racial/ethnic group member. "Racial/ethnic group member" is defined by the Minnesota State office of Equity and Inclusion (and for this scholarship) to include Black/African American, Chicano/a or Latino/a, Asian/Pacific Islander, and American Indian/Native American/Alaskan Native.
Academic Standards
The applicant must meet academic and admission standards of the institution attending. Applicants must have at least a 2.0 grade point average for undergraduate students and 3.0 grade point average for graduate students to apply.
Credits Required
Full time status for undergraduate students is twelve (12) credits or more and graduate students is six (6) credits or more. Part-time status for undergraduate students is 6-11 credits.
Up to $1200 annually for part-time scholarship recipients and up to $2500 annually for full-time scholarship recipients.
Find additional details requiring the scholarship's requirements in Article Eight of the Program's Articles of Operation.
Recent Scholarship Recipients
We are proud to have supported the educational achievements of the following students.
Stella Nwachukwu
Molly Palm
Emma Palm
Manisha Roberts
Sydney Robinson
Sumia Sabrie
Yawavi Souni
Jiksa Tafara
Wesley Vue
Willie Winston IV
Rheana Zero
Om Harris
Tierra House
Selah Jacoway
Zoe Knutson-Kolodzne
Arpin Leidy
Xufei Liao
Eason Lor
Jackie Lor
Ruth Lucht
Tahanee Madison
Pa Moua
Linkoungla Agadja
Kocou Amoussou
Ashley Berg
Gadisa Birhanu
Steven Chua
Azbayar Dashzeveg
Asia Fitzpatrick
Estrom Ghebrai
Akoua Gnimavo
Lolita Granados
Lillian Hang
Anthony B. Gregory
Tamera E. Hines
Ayva R. Jackson
Fnu Kfukfu Nsangong
Sumitra Lamitarey
Xufei Liao
Sadie M. Lor
Jamie C. Martinez Botello
Su Meh
Danisbel Montano Sosa
Nubia Q. Amina
Ciara M. Anderson
Andrea Estfania Barrios Villalta
Alyssia S. Bell
Gadisa H. Birham
Melode Bowmont
Tah So Ghay Collah
Natinaeal Debebe
Favour O. Ekeanyanwu
Jessica J. Garraway
Jensi V. Ocampo Sorto
Emma J. Palm
Chelsey Pederson
Manisha Roberts
Sumta A. Sabrie
Mitike L. Stueven
Cristofer Wallberg
Alana R. Werner
Willie Winston IV